Sony Innovation Fund backs Quantum Motion’s latest funding round
- Hrishikesh
- May 25, 2023
- Business, News
- BoschVentures, BritishPatientCapital, collaborationprogresses, commercialscale, corporateventurecapital, deepcryogenictemperatures, earlystagecompanies, equityfunding, faulttolerant, futuretechnology, growinginterest, integratedcircuits, leadingcompany, PorscheAutomobil, quantumcomputing, quantumdots, QuantumMotion, quantumtechnologies, renownedfoundry, revolutionizeindustries, scaleup, siliconbased, SonyInnovationFund, transformative technologies, UKbased
Sony Innovation Fund Invests in Quantum Motion London, UK – May 2023 – Quantum Motion, a UK-based quantum computing scale-up, has announced that it has secured £42 million in equity funding from Sony Innovation Fund. The funding round also attracted the interest of leading quantum and technology investors from around the world, including Bosch Ventures, Porsche Automobil, and British Patient …
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